Sunday, January 15, 2017

organic chemistry chpter 1 Polarity / non polarity coupling

Covalent bond is mainly a combination of non-metallic elements (mainly gaseous elements). These include polar covalent bonds and nonpolar covalent bonds. Polarity covalent bonds have electronegativity (or electron affinity) slightly different from those of nonmetal elements. Nonmetallic elements have a negative constitution, but among them, one having strong properties of + The way one element is combined. This is a way of combining the same elements with + on one side and - on the other. The greater the difference in the electronegativity between the two elements, the more polar covalent bonds than nonpolar covalent bonds. This is because the electronegativity is shifted to one side. [Source] Polar / Nonpolar / Nonpolar Covalent Bonds and Yin-Yang Combination of Polar / Nonpolar Molecules Author: applepop

A nonpolar covalent bond is when a different element is in the same charge state or in the same charge state and in the same charge state, and in the case of a combination of different elements, the electrons around the atom are evenly coupled to each other. Nonpolar covalent bonds are synonymous with nonpolar covalent bonds. If the difference in the shared electron pairs of the elements is not large, it is a non-polar covalent bond. The characteristics of the covalent bond are directional (+, -), ie polar (+ and -) and nonpolar (neutralized by + and - neutral) and the molecule takes on a stereostructure - the energy of the same is offset, so the direction is weak). [Source] Polar / Nonpolar / Nonpolar Covalent Bonds and Yin-Yang Combination of Polar / Nonpolar Molecules Author: applepop

Even if the same hydrogen molecule is encountered, it can be oriented so that it can have both a non-polar covalent bond of + and + and a polar covalent bond of + and - that is, two covalent bonds. Negative (δ-) and negative (δ +) electrons are positive and negative, respectively.                      Hydrogen molecules are strong in the nature of +, but also electronegativity is not perfect, so they are not perfect +, so the + and - properties coexist. [Source] Polar / Nonpolar / Nonpolar Covalent Bonds and Yin-Yang Combination of Polar / Nonpolar Molecules Author: applepop

From the viewpoint of quantum mechanics, covalent bonding is due to the overlapping of the stable orbits of the hybrid orbitals. The + and - phases are alternately vibrated by the quantum mechanical phenomena of particle and wave, and when they are in the same phase, ). This is another interpretation of the combination of electronegativity and its difference, literally describing the phenomenon of the microscopic world of particleicity (+) and oscillation (-). [Source] Polar / Nonpolar / Nonpolar Covalent Bonds and Yin-Yang Combination of Polar / Nonpolar Molecules Author: applepop

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